Happy Mothers Day?!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Well I survived the day and so far (well it's 10pm so I'm damn close) without a tear being shed!

*self highfive*

Yes, there were the sad thoughts of Bubble and how far along in my pregnancy I would have been for this day. The knowing that if I was still pregnant my mum and sister (since DH wasn't here) would have spoilt me as a mumma to be and made me feel very special. The excitement of that in just a few short months we would be meeting our baby and that next years Mothers Day I would have an actual child to celebrate with.

But I put these thoughts aside and focused instead on MY mum for the day. After all she gave me life and has put up with me for the past 26 (coming on 27) years!

We started the day with breakfast up at my grandmothers house. My sister (who is a chef) made us beautiful crepes (sooooo good) to feast on. What a great start to the day! Grandma, mum and I then had a game of Scrabble (we are Scrabble nuts in this family...) which I haven't played with either of them for ages. Good fun (and I won!).

Then mum, sis and I swung home and got my puppy dog and we headed down the beach for a walk. We picked up some things for a light lunch (didn't need too much after all those crepes) and headed back to my mums. Then we helped her set up her present (a slide, negative and photo scanner) and play with it. Mum is super excited about this machine as she has a stack of  old slides which are all photos from her childhood (and some even before she was born) plus all her wedding photos are actually on slides would you believe!? Once she works her way scanning through the slides I think she will be starting on the photos...and wow does she have albums full of photos...It was fun this afternoon looking at the slides once they were up on the computer. Seeing mum when she was a little kid (and her siblings), seeing how young and trendy our grandparents were. I love old photos!

We cooked dinner for mum (and dad) tonight too. Well my sister cooked...I was her kitchen hand! So a family dinner, just the 4 of us to end the lovely mother/daughter day.

And next year I hope that our little one/s will be apart of the Mothers Day celebrations and that I can call myself a mummy for real.

I hope for all my fellow TTC bloggers that this day wasn't too hard and you managed somehow to muddle your way through. Thinking of you all and sending an extra big hug to each of you tonight. And for those new mummies or mummies to be, I hope your Mothers Day was extra special. xx


Sushigirl said...

Glad it went ok for you. We had mothers day here weeks ago and it feels good having gotten it out the road!

Baby Hopes said...

So glad the day was one of joy and caring family. Thinking of you very much...

WaitingVicky said...

Happy to hear you not only survived but managed to enjoy yourself! :)

Cyndi said...

I'm glad your MD was not to shabby. Neither was mine. Trying to stay positive.