Day 28- A Favourite Dessert

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oh this is too easy! I love dessert. I have a very sweet tooth! 

One of my all time favourite desserts is a Blackforest Trifle that I make (usually at Christmas time). It's easy and delicious!!! It's also a big family favourite. I think this is my aunt's creation!

Blackforest Trifle

chocolate swiss roll
port wine flavoured jelly
chocolate pudding/custard
sherry (or any other alcohol you feel like adding...rum, bourbon etc)
cherries (de-pipped..usually I use ones from a can)
flake/grated chocolate (to sprinkle on top)

Cut swiss roll into pieces. Place on bottom of large bowl. Sprinkle with sherry (or other alcohol) and use as much/little as you'd like. 
Drain cherries and put aside juice/syrup. 
Mix up jelly according to packet directions. Use  cherry syrup as part of the liquid required. Tip jelly mix over swiss roll. Put in fridge to set.

Once jelly is set, put cherries into bowl ontop of the jelly. Mix up chocolate pudding/custard (if using packet mix) and pour over top of cherries. Whip cream and put ontop of custard. Sprinkle with broken up flake/grated chocolate. Keep in fridge until ready to serve.



Lauren said...

Well that sounds lovely.