CD7..the universe is a b!#@$

Sunday, June 6, 2010

hug! Pictures, Images and PhotosThe universe can be so cruel sometimes..extra cruel when you are TTC. Smiley

My thoughts are with Nani whose chart was looking so good and we were all excited that this was going to be it..only for AF to show up. Smiley

It would be a whole lot easier if our bodies DIDN'T GIVE US SIGNS/SYMPTOMS THAT GOT OUR HOPES UP!!! Smiley Seriously, it's cruel.

So Nani, if you are reading...
Hugs Pictures, Images and Photos

My day has been quiet. Another terrible nights sleep so have not been feeling like doing much of anything. Smiley I made a cinnamon teacake and put some spaghetti bolognase in the slow cooker (which smells amazing by the way!). A friend popped in for a catch up for a few hours which was lovely. And I just had a bit of an afternoon nap..but have woken up feeling worse..hate it when that happens.

I am tempted to have my dinner soon and just go back to bed. It's cold, I'm tired and I have nothing else to do. 2 more sleeps and hopefully DH will be home. Looking forward to big hugs from him.