Monday, June 7, 2010

Had a lovely day today. Smiley

Slept in, then stayed in bed watching TV (it was too cold to get out!!). Went out for lunch with my sister and her partner to Hogs Breath...yum!! Smiley And then got gelati...Smiley So full!

Spent the afternoon playing X-Box. I bought this new game with all old school sega games on much fun! Can't believe how lame some of the graphics and music are though..hilarious! Made for a fun afternoon anyways.Smiley

So, as far as I am aware...DH is coming home tomorrow!!!! Smiley Smiley

Very excited...finally luck is on our side?!?! Now I just have to hope that my body behaves itself and ovulates before CD15 when DH leaves...Smiley Violence may be necessary..Smiley

Not much else going on. Back to work tomorrow..Smiley Going to be so quiet and boring...yuk!

Will have to now start paying close attention to my body to see what's going on...It would be amazing if after all this time, this was our month.