One More Sleep...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thank you to all those who left some positive comments about my thawing embies!!

I got another update this morning...

8 cell is now a morula (my little super star!) and our slow little 4 cell was a 7 cell! I am happy that it is growing and perhaps by tomorrow it may have progressed a little more (I can hope can't I?!?).

So that phone call was a good start to the morning!!

Transfer is tomorrow morning...I need to be at the day theatre where the transfer will be done by 7:30am! I am actually having to arrive before 7am as I need to get bloods done and also pick up some scripts (need more Clexane & pessaries to see me through the TWW). So it's going to be a very early morning for me (and my sister who has offered to be my chauffeur).

I am feeling very nervous that I am so close to being PUPO...but also a little excited. I know I shouldn't, but I am pinning a lot of hope on this FET. If it's not successful then I know it will be a while before we cycle I need this to work!

I am missing DH and wishing he was here. I need him to calm me down and distract me. I know I won't sleep tonight. I'm too wired. I've tried to wear myself out this afternoon. I did all the housework, the washing and made a pot of veggie soup. If this fails to help me fall asleep then I will just watch DVDs until I drift off...

Please, if you can spare some positive thoughts..think of me and our little embryos tomorrow.


Kimnus said...

Summa That is so exciting!!! keeping everything crossed for you tomorrow and for the TWW.

I am hoping that this bubby or Bubbies stick!

Just Me said...

Yayyyyyy! I am so glad to hear that your little 4 cell has ramped up his game a bit!

Get lots of rest tonight (after the DVD's put you to sleep LOL) and best of luck for tomorrow... you know I will be thinking of you!

Be strong, you are a brave brave woman to be doing this without A.

Hugs and Kisses to you! I miss you!!

I will be sending tens of thousands and millions of good thoughts your way all day tomorrow.

Let us know how you go once you are done!


Stinky said...

Oooh sending you smileythoughts..


-lay everything you need out for tomorrow

-bath (or hot shower if you don't have bath)

-hot water bottle and snuggly pj's

-cup of hot milk with spoonful of honey in

works (nearly) every time for me

Just Us & A Miracle Baby too! said...

Those embryos sound great! Good luck, I'll be thinking of you today!

Liz said...

Thinking of you and sending you positivity. I hope everything goes well and it sounds like your embryos thawed nicely. Good luck!!

lostintranslation said...

sending many positive sticky thoughts your way. good luck!!

Sarah said...

I am so glad the little guy decided to catch up!!!

Lots if sticky vibes for tomorrow!!!!

Baby Hopes said...

Congrats on the beautiful little ones! Definitely thinking of you and hoping for a fantastic transfer. Best of luck!!!

A m a n d a said...

So happy to hear they are both growing and will be ready for you this morning! Good luck! That's so nice of your sister to be with you, glad to hear you won't be alone. Can't wait for an update!!

Kat said...

Oh I hope things go well! Go embies go!

S said...

Thank you for visiting my blog!

I hope this works for you!

Krista said...

Sending you soooooo many positive thoughts, and thinking of you! XOXO!

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from ICLW. Good luck tomorrow!

TeeJay said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I wish you nothing but good things for your FET. I read a couple of blogs where it took an FET before finally finding success! Positive vibes!

♥ Cass & Shane said...

Just wishing you all the luck in the world tomorrow. Hope it all goes well and look foward to reading how it all goes x

Lauren said...

Wonderful wonderful wonderful!!!!! I have no idea what time it is where you are but if it's near transfer time, then GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! :) We're all rooting for you!!

DandelionBreeze said...

Definitely thinking of you and sending you lots of positive, sticky vibes for your transfer :)) Great that your 2nd little one kept growing and that they're both ready to meet you :)) Thinking of you and all my love for your transfer xoxo

Mrs BabyDream said...

Best of luck!

Cyndi said...

I'm so excited for you! I'm glad everything went well this morning!