Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm sick (again!!). Another cold or something similar. Left work early yesterday and spent the afternoon sleeping. Decided to stay home today in the hope that it will give my body time to rest and recover. I really don't want to be as sick as I was last time or have to take another course of antibiotics. This low immune system has to be the biggest downside of my pregnancy thus far. Baby boy is certainly sucking all the good stuff from me (which I don't begrudge him for a second).

DH is once again back at work so I'm on my lonesome..well not completely. My sister and her partner are still living with us and DH's friend (who rents a room) has just arrived home today for a there's the dog. So a full house really. Next week it will be just me again. My sister found out today that they got accepted for a rental place they applied for a few days ago. I will miss the company..and having my own personal live in chefs!

I am having some MIL issues which are weighing on my mind. Slightly concerned about how she will act once baby boy arrives...I think this deserves it's own post though and needs to be written when my head isn't so fuzzy. But for now let's just say that I had to lay down the law (so to speak) slightly when we caught up with her over the weekend...I think it's better that I have done this now so she knows where we stand..but I'm wondering if this will just cause further ongoing issues...sometimes I wish I didn't have in laws to deal with.


DandelionBreeze said...

Sorry to hear that you're not well... I found that I picked up every possible bug when I was pregnant too. Look after yourself and rest up... chicken soup is great - even if it's only the placebo effect :) MILs need the law to be laid down... better now than later. Love to you both xoxo

Mel said...

Hey Summa, get better soon. Wow, live-in chefs lol.. cool....
btw. its pronounced Lee-et.

lostintranslation said...

Hope you'll feel better soon. Take care!

♥ Cass & Shane said...

Hope you start feeling better soon! x