Sunday Sunday

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I think AF is coming. Last night a browny tinged CM when I wiped. Today some beginnings of cramps...I'd say she will be here by morning. Smiley

This is the first time I have actually been glad she is coming...Smiley but I suppose it's because there's that chance of this new cycle being a 'shot'. Probably a 1 in a billion chance, but its a chance.

I hope my body decides to cooperate and gives us a baby...Image and video hosting by TinyPic Surely we have waited long enough. I am getting a little bit excited about this impending cycle. Trying not to, as I know it will most likely end in a BFN and tears and then another trip to the FS. But despite that, I am quietly hopeful. Smiley I am not sure why...I suppose because I have had the HyCoSy done and the FS kept saying how lots of ladies fell pregnant after having this procedure. I think I have kept that in the back of my mind and now we may have a's coming to the front.

I even ordered some HPTs and sperm friendly lube from Oracle Fertility. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Figure it doesn't hurt giving this lube a try. It's like pre seed, but cheaper. I have nothing to lose. What's another month at this point in time?!? Smiley

We went to some giant markets today which are about 40 minutes from home. I had never been before and couldn't get over just how BIG they were! Wow! Got some herbs to plant in pots, as some of mine have died. gardening smilie Pictures, Images and Photos I am not much of a green thumb, but I keep trying!

Last night we ended up having friends round for dinner and then went bowling. Bowling Strike Smiley Smilie Smileys Smilies Icon Icons Emoticon Emoticons Animated Animation Animations Gif Pictures, Images and Photos
I suck!!!! But it was fun. Smiley

DH's last night home. Smiley 7 days goes by way too quick! I will drive him to the airport tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully the next 7 days while he is away will go just as quickly..and then it will be baby making time before we know it!!! Smiley

I have a beef pot roast in my slow cooker for dinner tonight...smells amazing!! Drooling Drool Smiley Smilie Emoticon Animated Animation Gif Pictures, Images and Photos